An Actual House Bill.
I am never using this
I get it’s environmentally friendly butt still
I see no way in which this could yield a positive result
What was the goal of this?
Only In America
to use a car jack properly.
That must’ve hurt…his car
I Sea Car
Parkour Injury
Testing A Robot Live
to secure fruit.
That was not secured very well
No remorse
The first few drivers dodged without injuries.
Dancing In The Middle Of The Street
Idiot Dancing In The Middle Of The Street
Drivers Dodge (Probably Drunk) Dancer
Maybe don’t dance in the middle of a crowded stret
to put in an umbrella.
That sucks
To climb the White House fence
Climbing the White House fence
It keeps crashing. Please help.
On thin ice
to go underneath a bridge and pass with full cargo.
Boat Driver Misjudges Whether Or Not He Can Go Under A Bridge