My (22f) bf (25m) fight constantly, is there hope?
Active friend and raid help!
Add me for an active friend!
what is there to do here??
Is anybody else concerned about the hours of operation at Burdick for this semester?
Random Foot Pop/Crack
Bruise that won’t go away after a month
Beaches in North Carolina
Amazon HR internship this summer!
Gardening house vegetables with cats
I need help with my cat who keeps peeing everywhere!
I need help with AETNA!!!
First dose
Omnipod connection issues
How can I be supportive of my boyfriend who is T1D?
AITA for not wanting to use a coupon.
AITA for getting mad at my boyfriend over McDonald’s?
Switching to omnipod
Should I tell my best friend that my good friend likes the same guy as her?
I wanna change everything about myself
Can't find a summer job
Dark place
AITA for threatening my ex's wife?
I am blind, I bumped into a wall and everyone in my family laughed at me