Bushi can we please not have a Tier 0 format?
[VJump] June Promo - Prototype Sky Striker - Amatsu
Need help with key card on Ninja Gaiden Sigma chapter 11
[Skyrim] My favorite game as a teenager still holds up in my 30s
Is the raptor statue important?
Let’s stop pretending
For the record, I'm a SnS main
Of monster hunter’s 14 weapons, how many of them do you play, and which?
What are some forgotten 10/10 animes you rarely see people talk about
this is why i can't take 0079 seriously - char in his zgok in a cave is too funny
You Monster Hunters are a contemptuous lot...
DBS Broly Movie is simply the best piece of media ever created. I dare you to find something better.
I miss God Eater cheese
As a melee main how do you keep up
Just Curious If There's Any Online Way To Play Buddy-Fight Or If People Are Still Playing, Preferably Like Dueling-Book Hopefully & Free....
👀whats that one anime you watched once and regretted it deeply?😪
Everytime I want to enjoy my weekend the weather's been shitty for the past month
Finally finished NG Sigma Plus on Vita
Got a craving to re-experience this series - do need some help though!
What's an anime where even though you haven't read the source material, you can just tell that it completely butchered the source material?
Got the Master Collection on sale for only $17.99 --- finally my "perfect" Ninja Gaiden trilogy is complete
[Dark Souls] Am I real gamer now ?
Team Legionnaire (Jesse Kotton, Dominic Couch, and Michael Albanese) wins Team YCS Las Vegas with Ryzeal x3!
Are students expected to do a paper navlog these days?