YouTube videos/channel recs
Anyone remember these times?
The biggest perk outliers currently
What does everyone hope the next 20000 VIP pack is
What should I go for next
This is not a drill
Boston college ed2
Past ed2 dates?
Dino max level
Getting deferred has made me so upset
Does BC share its ED results with other schools?
Are you buying?
Boston College ED2?
Picky eater alert!!!
EA decisions coming out today (24 Jan): UMichigan, UFlorida, UNC, UMaryland.
Ludia… WTF happened to the Collectors Exchange? The first 2 pics are from 7 months ago vs today.
Can We Please Get Something That Isn't a Bloodthirsty Apex Creature?
How is it not even close
Ark 2 Stays Silent While Survival Ascended Takes the Spotlight
Hot take
Sending my score to a college for the first time. Who was gonna tell me that it's gonna cost me THIRTY DOLLARS to send it by Friday???
Collector’s exchange
Hi just asking how hard it is to get to DOMINATOR in HEAVYWEIGHT DIVISION