Fire at the Vineyard Estate [75x75] | A terrible fire broke out. Who is responsible?
Map of Barovia
Strahd Zombie alternatives?
Heroforge NPCs Part 3 (Vallaki Part 1)
New book adapting CoS
Surface Dwarven Throne Room (27x48)
First batch of skeletons for my campaign.
Death House is in the Bag
Rose and Thorn's remains
Hall of Faces 32x56
Welcome to Vallaki, whew all will be well.
Pidlwick II
Rudolph van Richten’s Journal
An undead Lief Lipsiege.
Cyrus Belview needed some help
Bone Grinder mill
The Sunsword is completed.
Prominent Vallaki citizens at the Eastern Gate.
The First Family of Vallaki
Yesterday Hill statue one step closer to done. Next the moss.
I am ancient, I am the land
The Sunsword WIP update. About 75% done. I ordered a few gems to see which one I like best.
How to make the consorts more relevant
Yester Hill Strahd statue WIP