What is the most Fucked Up thing that a YouTuber has done?
Deconstruct your mom
Under an ACAB post on a “leftist” shitposting sub.
Most of them or their parent companies
To Central Americans, do fruit companies (Chiquita, del monte, dole, etc) still have large influence in your country?
Multi Generational Mixed Results
Which accent gets made fun of the most (Both on the Walloon and Flemish side)
Completely unserious answer
Anyone remember when shorty was gender neutral
Respect to veteran and other reformed comrades, but only if they accept their role in imperialism
Respect to veteran and other reformed comrades, but only if they recognize their role in imperialism and don’t make it about themselves
What are some comic hot takes you have?
Hi do I belong here?
For those wanting to learn more about mulatto identity and why some use this word
Even though, in classic commie fashion, I constantly talk about dumb liberals
Squarepusher - Vic Acid [Drill]
Carnist: “Earthlings is schlocky and loses its effect after a while”
Love it when small indie gems get the recognition they deserve
Carnist: “Dogs are treated worse”
Irate Gamer copyright strikes MagicMush's video about him
What do you think of Aether Nexus?
“I don’t want to be a magical girl!” Creator talks about people thinking its parody
Have you ever noticed that Magical Girls get overhated compared to other anime sub genres?