why is the new font so thin?
[ Removed by Reddit ]
is my northern lights mug supposed to look like this?
I need a help, I just ripped a Qur'an out of frustation because my super religious mom kept complains about my lifestyle.
Apostate Prophet converted to Christianity
Can’t find Multiplayer Pack 1 (XBox)
I need to purchase?
What kind of dance is a sin?
Why are Muslims unable to use logic
where is multiplayer pack 1 on xbox series s??
Why is it straight up impossible to put two accessories on face on mobile and all the videos I watch are all fake?!
Disc inserted but asks for purchase?
18. Bad addiction to masturbation
Says I need to purchase game to play... i own it and putting the disc in literally boots it up with the Modern Warfare intro. On my Xbox it says Modern Warfare is inserted.
What are some less talked about symptoms that you experiance?
I'm new here- has she always been a pick me?
Apparently Times Square is closed off for praying taraweeh in Ramadan on the weekend
How many of you are hyper-mobile?
blocking people
Whats the point in trying to get better anymore?
finally got diagnosed!!! WOOHOO 🎉🥳
What should I name my new character
Ugliest Character? Drop your character's selfie below, wanna see if there is anyone who can beat mine!
Trying to find this establishment that no longer exists.
Which Gang members horse are you most jealous of?