Lucerne Hammer with Anus Hook
Why So Dramatic, Willie?
Scissor Snip Execution
The most despicable Willie
Take that ye filthy muggle!!
Do You Even Lift Bro?
The Telekinesis Masters Taught Me Well
If y’all Willies can fly in the sky with kicks, stay alive with half a body, my armor piercing is pretty mild… it’s a game, and still a playtest at that. May the physic people chill a bit.
Duel Climax???
Some Bardiche Goodness
Look Willie, we're saved! We're free!
Forbidden footwork
Battle Axe Kung Fu
Im sure many already know of it, but for those who don't, this is the 2022 version of Half Sword
Pole Vault
Another Sword Jump
The real duel was the fear we shared, lad
Can not get up? Please do not resist!
Sword jump
One-handed longsword bonk
Hook & loop little blue man
Weapon Hooking is Amazing
Don't mind if I use your half sword