I want to go away and start a new life
Any black ladies in here play the guitar?
When you die, what do you want your friends/family to do with your body?
I feel like throwing in the towel
What stopped you from ending your life?
What was your favorite dream?
What is ruining your mental health?
What did your last relationship break up, romantic or other, teach you?
What kind of fetish do you have that you're afraid people will find out about?
What do you think is important to have physically/ mentally before you start dating?
My first ever boyfriend gave me genital herpes
Does being undarable as an older adult get better?
Do you consider yourself black first, then a woman or a woman first, then black?
What are some things you regret not doing when you were younger?
Would you want to be a vampire if you had the chance and if yes then why?
Can we cancel BADDIES!
Why is it important to take a shower daily, as opposed to every 2-3 days?
What’s an adult confession you’d never tell your family?
Waiting for brain to have a new obsession
What is your favorite feature on yourself?
I spent 32 hours in bed
What is your reaction when someone calls you beautiful?
I got an STD but I’m a virgin, and now I can’t have sex
What is the best non-makeup thing that you have done that has drastically changed your appearance for the best?
Craziest thing you have done? Crush/dating edition