Anxious because of possible 5 years long exposure
Trump states that Gaza should be “cleaned out”
Nose spot, is this some to be concerned about?
My prolactin is always high, what to do?
New bangers @gp_coady
New sheet @gp_coady
New sheet
[SSK001] Can You Name A Better Watch For $300?
Finally finished a new sheet
[SSK001] No words
My first 11 x 14 sheet is now complete
What black ink is this?
Just nibbed a sheet, still in progress, CC always appreciated
New sheet, colour yet to be added but also liked it in black and grey
My clipper ship cover up over laser
Beginner at flash, critiques pls
Finished this sheet
Some large flash to fill up my wall.
Progress on a new sheet
Had a blast painted this skull sheet, hope y’all like it! Ig-neckmartin
First time nibbing cold press. Not happy
So here’s the final result on cold press
Pieced together my portfolio today