Give me your best (worst?) angst prompts!
Word Game Excerpt Challenge
Alphabet Excerpt Challenge: B Is For...
What's a character that was called selfish (by the fandom or/and by other characters) for no reason at all, or a character that had the right reasons to be selfish?
Vacation excerpt game
Alphabet Excerpt Challenge: A Is For...
I'm building a character who gains the powers and abilities of every monster he slays.
Reading Rollcall: What was the Best Fic you read this week?
how to write about the rain?
Song title excerpt game
“Whose line is it anyway?” Fanfic version
Leave the first and last sentence of your current wip/last posted fic and see if people can guess what happened in between those sentences
Talkback Thursday - March 13
March Prompts Challenge: CROSSOVERS!
what are the most intimate things besides sex?
Excerpt game - occupation
It has been at least two months by this point. Who here is rather upset that fanfiction has yet to resolve their issues, causing problems for the rest of us?
Tell me about your AUs
Share the first sentence/paragraph of your next chapter with absolutely no context
Have You Ever Forgotten About a Subplot or Something Else in One of Your Longfics?
What was the first fic you posted this year?
Do you have any fandoms you never write for, but always read for? And do you have fandoms you only write for, but never read?
Excerpt Game: Color
Pick a style/form and describe your fic in it!
Excerpt game - name