Pulling a tooth out of a cow’s hoof
Cleaning out a controller
What is the perfect name for a folder full of porn?
If you are on public transit and you ask a woman to remove her purse from the seat next to her so you can sit and she refuses what do you do?
Cow gets instant pain relief after draining lesion
What would you name your rocket ship?
How do you feel less lonely?
These are never not satisfying
This oddly satisfying plant
What would be terrifying if it was invisible?
What was the main reason that technology advanced so quickly in the 20th century?
What is your all time favorite smelling food or drink?
This lovely assortment of leaves
This perfect drinks shelf
This arrangement of haribos
This wonderful engraved apple
What’s the craziest thing you’ve found in the school toilets?
who is your favorite narrator besides morgan freeman?
What is a real life equivalent of 1hp of damage?
If you had 3 million dollars how would you use it?
Who is the best male character who ISN'T a tough badass?
This curvy tree
If only the trunk was a tad bit more central
The way this tires tread pattern says "USA"
What contraband did you have hidden in your locker at school?