Ich hab schon zig mal in englischen subs gelesen, dass Männer sagen sie bekommen keinen Komplimente (oder so 1x alle 5 Jahre). Ist das bei den deutschen Männern hier genau so?
How do you want to die?
Wtf happend to Nate Diaz??
IAmA Shamil "The Real Deal" Gaziev, #11 in the UFC Heavyweight Division and undefeated against active UFC fighters. Ask me anything!
What are some things that most men think they are above average at?
If every job paid the same salary, what job would you be doing right now and why?
Conor looks very proud of his girl band…
What was a time you missed out on sex because you couldn't take the hints?
What’s the best way to get rid of your partners ex who is stalking you?
What do you actually wish on your worst enemy?
What’s your body count?
What’s a sign someone has been through a lot of shit?
What was the hardest that you have ever been hit with?
What's the worst thing your pet has done?
What's with "1312" so often see this graffiti'd, what happened in the year 1312 that people are so obsessed over?
Former atheists of Reddit- what truly changed your mind [Serious]?
What was the first Amusement Park you went to?
You now have a million of the last item you bought. What are you hoarding?
To the people who types pages long paragraphs on reddit posts- How do y’all do it?
You’re Musk for one day, what do you do?
What is the creepieat thing you heard someone say in their sleep?
What would happen if all countries played fair and did not need a military (assuming no border disputes and the main aim being to take civilization to new heights)?
What’s your go to lie to get out of going somewhere?
What is something you know is bad for you, but you keep doing it anyway with no intention of quitting?
how could a phenomenon such as the hat man be explained?