Vase in the making
My little fish
My first apartment, decorated by myself. Always trying to make it cozer and look like home.
Plates to be fired
Main bar streets in Palermo Soho
Salomé knows she's a supermodel
My cat Blueberry, also known as Mr Moustache
Hi! Is it normal that the glaze looks wrinkled like this? It is black glaze before firing.
Vase I made to hold dried flowers, I think they match!
Boa tarde! Tenho uma dúvida muito boba: para embarcar do Brasil para Portugal, um cidadão português precisa mostrar algum documento além do passaporte português na hora do embarque?
Divergência entre nome no RG (solteira) e passaporte (casada)
Cat I made inspired by my cat
A terracotta plate before and after firing
2 months in my shoe box
Hi everyone! Is it possible to reapply glaze in a piece that has already been fired in the kiln if you don't like the final result?
I'm so happy with my little terracotta cat
Plate and bowl
My vase broke in the bottom before bisque fire. Is it still worth to fire it or it might break more in the kiln?
Do you think I should fire it like it is or add something else?
Do you think I should fire it as it is or add something else?
New plate. To be fired.
New pieces. Not fired yet.
Made a decorative plate