Movies "like" Stalker?
Veteran receives home for being paralyzed. Gets caught faking it.
De NOS gelooft liever een moordenaar dan een expert
PVV-minister Faber noemt Oekraïense president Zelensky ‘niet democratisch gekozen’, en komt er daarna op terug
Erasmusschutter krijgt levenslang voor drievoudige moord
How long have you all been playing
This Aggression Will Not Stand, Man!
Beginners: why do you only want to play hard pieces?
Gezocht: eerste seizoen Big Brother 1999
Don’t sleep on it
I Fuckin hate raging bull.
Bloodborne (2015) - My Guiding Moonlight
I love looking at the world around Demons Souls
Wat voor hulp kun je krijgen met begeleid/beschermd wonen?
They gave the Dude a beeper.
The golden pager that PM Netanyahu gifted to President Trump
The Dude is not in. Leave a message after the beep…
Why Roadside Picnic is One of the Best Sci-Fi Novels Ever Written
Which game would you tackle first without having played either, Arcanum or Underrail?
Vic magnet out of polymer clay
Works that are full of anger?
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The Best Paced RPGs of All Time
Which CRPGs offer the most amount of freedom and options in character creation?
Water langs de muren, gebonk op de vloer, geschreeuw in de nacht: extreme overlast in buurten neemt toe
Vervelende situatie met boven buurman