I feel stupid because I gave him a chance thinking he is a nice guy and now it has backfired.
Getting Started in Software Engineering at 16
Feel like shit rn
What are your experiences of "nice guys"?
Funderar på att flytta hit :) hur är det med jobb möjligheter? Speciellt för icke så erfarna?
My Ex's Boyfriend suddenly texted me saying he wants to fight
Is my GF selfish? Do people change? 28M 25F
It slipped in?? (F18, M18)
What name suit in this cat?
how to get over a crush 27F with 33M
My F19 Boyfriend M20 is so insecure he lied about a big part of his life
Starting to feel bad about breaking this box down
How does this art comic make you feel
Original act baked a cookie
Dating a guy who is extremely scared of handling conflicts, what to do?
Att bli vänner efter två månaders dejtande – hur har det funkat för er?
What would you name this cat with very cute ears?
I F27 tried dating M30, but he is very scared of conflicts while me not so. How do I handle this?
En hel helg med färre danskar i vår stad.
What is the first thing you see when you look at my art piece?
Hur enkelt är det att få jobb som nyexad systemutvecklare i Göteborg?
Need guidance on selecting a major
Bästa spa i Malmö?
What does my painting remind you of?