The Milky Way over the Grand Canyon - GFX 50R & GF 23/4
Restock von Artikeln im Merch-Shop
All the samples I got from going to the largest dermatology conference in the world
Is this a mistake or am I missing something?
I think I can go to Aquilo now?
My friend is playing Factorio for the first time and has already perfected their oil pipes
With the release of MH Wilds drawing near, I would like to gift a few copies to those unable to find the funds to purchase the game
The US-Mexican Border
This is a prisoner registration photo of Krystyna Trześniewska, a Polish girl who was sent to Auschwitz in December 1942. She died there on May 18, 1943, at just 13 years old.
Terrible humans adding more poor vultures to their watery graveyard
Would Germans be interested in getting their head washed after a haircut?
This game is fantastic. Most games have seemingly deteriorated overtime due to profit incentives. But factorio has been awesome for years.
Is it worth it upgrading to 10-5?
MH Wilds Collab Gift #1
Embracing the Spaghetti (6000 pink science/min)
TIL that Gleba has a meaning
How much better is the 'right balancer' versus a few splitter/mergers?
"Isn't MM/DD/YY going in order from smallest to largest?"
Die Nachbarn tun mir Leid
TIL that Great Swords aren’t actually attached to your body
How do I get out this anchor dowel?
Rajang HBG (Full squad) VS Nergigante
ATM machine
My pack of mayonnaise states not only grams, but also cm^3
Put in "TGA2024" in the MHNow website to get free stuff thanks to the GOTY Awards