I don’t really understand how slippage works.
AITH for breaking up with my boyfriend for being a trump supporter
What on earth just happened?
Got pants back from tailor. Are these weird folds in the butt area normal?
Helping my 5th grader with her math homework. This is the only question she missed.
people last night at 9pm that panic sold all their BTC at $91k:
I’m confused. What is Solana actually for? What is it use case?
Bio full of landmines
Phantom Wallet drained
AITA for embarrassing my fiancé at dinner after he “joked” about my upbringing?
I put in about 100$ in GMGN.ai, i’ve made 30$ profit but have only 9$ left?
3 BTC to quit? 🤔
Getting real nervous about pi
New Student Cheating Level Unlocked
AIO to suspecting my gf of cheating on me after not wanting goodnight kiss?
He's back at it! 🚀 🚀
Is taking Ambien really “that bad”?
Make a picture based on my reddit username
Old boss of mine wrote LOSER on my final paycheck.
BTC is mooning today
Am I overreacting by canceling my tattoo appointment a day after booking it.
Nearly got drained - am I safe?
Can someone explain XRP in a simple way?
AIO my friend (m22) is dating a high schooler (f17)
Its happening.