Oh no.... what the hell is that
New hightops painted by my mum
Yep, you can do this with a new emote
I hope to see these Runes for the next season 8...
Suggestion for adding difficulties to UberBoss.
Question: Firebats witch power, does it count as minion?
Possible game breaking interaction. Friendly fire in HC
What bosses do you want?
Rough minigun idea
EXO-41 Liberator [Beam Laser Cannon]
[OC] Introducing a (suggestion for) new ULTIMATE WEAPON of Democracy: melee focused brawler EXO-59 Vanguard!
G-16 Gatling / New Support Weapon [EDITED From Previous Post]
I added details to my last LC post. Would this turn you into a pissdiver?
G-16 Gatling / New Support Weapon
Machineguns can change RPM, But what about Laser Cannon?
Helldivers 2 - New EXOSUITS for the Liberty and Democracy
Christmas Gift...
Masterworking Materials Rework Suggestion
Are these pants from previous season still good ?
I propose a new feature : "Seasonal Rank"
It would be appreciate if the devs would do a little adjustment of QoL visual of Greater Affix in Inventory and chest..."