What operator could someone play that tells you they are inexperienced
Hara-Kiri & Exit Animations (- Liu Kang / Conan)
Should I sell my thruster?
If this dude breaks in your house what would you do?
Who is this?
Ok, now THIS is awesome
What do my favourites say about me?
Imagine if Supercell is suprising us all
This might be the beginning of the end
Red Or Blue
I’m gonna miss you rifle shield
Face me Joker
Give me your best MK 1 reaction images,hear are mine
Should I get Billy the puppet or Leatherface???
I Hate My Ranked Randoms!!!1!1!!!
The Character Select Screen is Almost Organized by where a character is from
Were they...you know...
How do I be less shy
Name one collaboration that MUST happen. I’ll go first
What’s your rarest skin?
I think we all know where this is going to end
Why does every griff and mortis I see always suck?