Azoo to almost normal in 8 months
HUGE stack of supplements to improve fertility- need to drop a few, need advice thx!
Does marijuana impact sperm parameters?
Has anyone had luck with supplements/lifestyle changes? looking for positivity! Thanks guys
35m 29f TTC for a year now, could really use some advice! Many lifestyle changes, just need some positivity! Thanks!!
Poor Sperm Analysis after only 12 hour abstinence period, would this drastically effect results?
35 m 29f major lifestyle changes need advice and encouragement please!!
35m 29f major lifestyle changes. Saw Fertility specialist today and need advice please!!
35M and 29F TTC for almost a year, any advice on situation would be GREATLY appreciated!
M35 TTC with F29 fiancé, recently gave up weed, started supplement regimen, need advice please