Is it controversial to say that proxies should be fully allowed in all formats?
Did critikal open a second MTG Alpha deck?
Revised Submerged Castle/Waterwraith. Trying to make something at least somewhat more balanced. Probably too many words now though.
Pikmin themed card: Submerged Castle/Waterwraith
"Over" the Rainbow - new belated conceptual piece aimed at Wizards' decision to pull event invites and financial support for the Venus and Mercury League (VML), a community group that advocated for Magic players of marginalized genders
Submerged Castle/Waterwraith Pikmin card
Submerged Castle/Waterwraith card
Custom Pikmin themed MTG card
A funny board state in a sealed game with my girlfriend
Arcades, the Startegist Defender Deck. Looking for feedback
Is Phyrexia All Will Be One a good draft set?
What set should I draft?
The Scarab God Zombie deck. My first deck, looking for feedback
Gisa and Geralf Zombie deck - looking for feedback
Is this a repack/resealed?
Is this a repack?
I want to offload a Canon formatted SD card but I don't have an SD card reader, can I use a Sony camera to offload it?
When you control a team in season but only spectate, does the AI make decisions like changing lineup and switching out pitchers, etc?
I want to make a season style tournament