John Malkovich is Terrax
Deadpool Creator Rob Liefeld Will No Longer Work with Marvel After ‘Deadpool & Wolverine’ Premiere Indignities
Fantastic Four: 2005 and 2025
John Malkovich as Reed Richards?
If Galactus is a unique being without variants, and D&W showed the same Johnny Storm from Fox, then this is the same Galactus.
How would you guys feel if the entire movie was presented like this?
Does anyone else wish Reed had a matching white collar like everyone else? (rough edit by me)
Official promotional art for Fantastic Four: First Steps
Beatles reference? If so, what exactly? 🤔
I’ve seen a few people worried that Reed won’t have powers in First Steps (which is a ridiculous concern i think) but if any confirmation was needed, here’s a quote from Kevin Feige, Disney’s website, and some new promo art.
Can anyone give in universe explanation why a same person looks different in different universe
Now that we've seen the trailer, has anyone changed their mind about Pedro playing Reed?
TIL: George Harrison tried to pay Ginger Baker £2,000 for a night with Baker’s 15-year-old daughter.
Oh how times change.
I really love the design of the baxter building. The 'LOKI' team did a great job.
The Fab Four on Ed Sullivan
Oh boy, here we go...
I really hope they ARE originally from this alternate 1960s reality
Fantastic Four is in the main universe.
Why do you think MCU projects are often accused of looking too similar? and what can Marvel do to change this perception?
They seem to have taken inspiration from the other "Fab 4"
The Fantastic Four: First Steps | Official Teaser | Only in Theaters July 25
The typeface is off. :( This one was designed at the begining of the twenty-first century. I hope they pay more attention to the design historical period. That being said, I am nevertheless excited about the film. ❤️
First teaser for ‘THE FANTASTIC FOUR: FIRST STEPS’. Trailer releases tomorrow.
Official Poster for 'The Fantastic Four: First Steps'