Lumberjack Heroes - 7154-1898-4800
I’m in love with this game/map
How to get the current Player count?
When will this game receive an update ?
What should we know about fonts?
got this error when buy BP
Got this weather thing on the taskbar but can't change to centigrade
Dota Underlords Standard Meta Snapshot based on 38 games from Big Boss to Lord (Ranked 52)
I have updated Underlords University (Team Builder) to the latest "New Blood On The Streets" patch
Infographic summarizing everything hinted about Underlords Season 2
This week challenge is bs
Dota Underlords Update – July 23, 2020
Dota Underlords Standard Meta Snapshot for July 2020 from 50 games played by Top 300 Ranked Lord | Underlords University
Does anyone have a compilation of all the weekly headscratchers?
This is ridiculous
Underlords Update - May 27, 2020
Question about the season 1 pass
I've been working on my Dota Underlords Team Builder over the last month and finally ready to release v1.0 | Underlords University
Chaos knight knights always active at 2* instead of 3*
Broken damage and DPS in knockout mode.
I... What? Retake the city Streetfight, Jull's House Call is crazy
I am currently learning web development and decided to make an Underlords Team Builder for my first project and am excited to share my current progress
Starting heroes and the heroes you already owned has a higher chance to be found?
Final beta statistics - Post them.