Favourite Ren lyric
Salo, or 120 days on Sodoma. WHAT THE ACTUAL FUCK!
Abandoned Psychiatric Hospital
Human beings...
katera pesem slovenskega izvajalca vam je najbolj pri srcu?
Where are you from?
What are most complicated Slovenian words?
Instantly hooked
Neki se dogaja...
Drawing I did
Ali ste si pozno v zivljenju premislili in zazeleli otroke?
If anyone is interested in watching the full version of Blair Witch Project, it’s been recently released…link in photo below.
Ex hospital (Italy)
Ku ku...
Vila Rafut
mnenje o 4h delovnem dnevu
Houska Castle, located in Czech Republic, is a castle that was built over a hole so deep, that nobody could see the bottom. It was supposedly built to “keep the demons and monsters from hell” from ever reaching the world.
Znašel sem se v zapleteni situaciji,v kakršni nikoli nisem pričakoval da bi bil, zanimajo me mnenja.
Katero izbrati?
Obesiti se, to je tukaj vprašanje.