Explained genetics incorrectly, am I cooked?
If Google Maps is banned and offset in China, why is it still so highly detailed with road names, locations, labels? Who is contributing all this geographical data?
This Art Piece shows Passports According to their power
If I was born 47 years ago, my current age would be
If I was born 47 years ago, my current age would be 20!
Just a regular exam hall
F-35 crash at Eielson AFB
Which doctor works the hardest?
Why didn’t the teacher get mad at the carcinogen for failing a test?
Blursed Toilet
How likely is this MONT BLANC Jfk 1917 counterfeit?
Pilot Falcon(Elabo) Railroading
Pilot iroshizuku color inconsistency
Is there a way to find out which one of these two is 40 degrees? The other one is 41.
Prepaid sim fees after expiry?
How can I learn hand to hand combat?
Is my refusing to wear a black belt justified or overreacting?
Who else is tired of some people talking crap about other styles?
any tips to kick higher and make it cleaner?
Does this count as a submission?
Cursed_Martial art
Shitpost: Which martial art for professional Asian parent?
Before getting married next month, ONE Championship star Rodtang has been ordained as a Buddhist monk and will be joining a monastery for the next two weeks.
Traditional Martial Arts
LEOs. Before you ask for Gracie Survival Tactics, consider the following...
Yes, “UFO”-shaped