i was wondering what you guys would add to the game if you could :)
I want her so bad
Wedding Party Cadence
Do we ever get the changeling kingdom back?
I thought she would be on sale for valentines day but no :(
Bro how i suppose to get free characters
How do I get Angel Bunny?
am I the only one whose main goal is cadence and not the gem shop?
Finally this hot collection came back I got auntie lofty since I had all the other ponies already
What this ?
There is gem shop in seasonal shop probably best getting this first then Cadance
It happened to me?!!?!
Why is she here?
new characters in seasonal shop and more informations in text, please read!!
Bug? New update and my star count is doubled and I got a free pony
Game bug
So I join my game magically gave me more stars ? i was like in 3040 something stars some how glitch to 6150 stars but the glitch didn’t reach to minty of gem shop
how much does she cost in gems?
a ttte modeler named brendenreis10 got exposed for cheating on multiple women and scams his customers he use to work for tcc and people projects if anyone is subscribed to him unsubscribe and block him
Canterlot Wedding is not the next event, it's the Seasonal Shop!
New rewarding fun pony! She's bright bridle! In a collection!
How can you get her?