What’s a weapon that you want to see an incarnon for?
Honestly, go fuck yourself if you go AFK in 2v8. I know queue times are long but this is no excuse. I also really appreciate survivors t-bagging me at the exit gates.. like you did something impressive.
Anti this, Anti that, but where are the incentives?
Goonerism is a disease and players who think "sex" is a punchline are unbearable
Let's talk about it...
Do we really need a map offering every game 🥲🐷
4 man slugs, its spreading and evolving
Whenever the next 2v8 event takes place, who do you think/hope will be the next killers to join the roster? (Pic related)
Can we please earn grades in 2v8?
My best 2v8 match so far
[Nova Prime] Gilded Phantom
I'd rather go against a blight or wraith at this point...
Dead by Daylight Quality of Life Initiative 2025: Phase 1
Dont you just love it when this happens? 🥰🥰
What other things pisses you off like that?
Some of yalls balance ideas are wild 😭
Wall-E got a new look!
Women Ratio Per 100 Men In Europe
Which online game comes to mind?
Things that keep me up at night.. but also, what gives?
Which country is gone?
Why? Just... why?
[Mesa Prime] Elegance in Destruction
Lisan al-Gaib