שנה מאז אירועי ה-7 באוקטובר [Megathread]
Why didn’t Jax want to hold his breath?
So in which countries the show is available at Netflix?
חמולה חמולה
"Hello Clarice" Antti Cosmo anti poofs himself into battle! Any suggestions?
Let's settle this once and for all.
Fairly Odd Compass (It's a joke don't kill me):
Do you think this is ever gonna be brought up again?
[popcorn] Legend of Hazel: Ocarina of Time
Fairly Odd Compass!
So where do this fits in the shoe? (Image from MrSpherical's sun video).
British accent, misshapened head, desires for world domination, the fact that Butch Hartman and Seth MacFarlane worked together at Hanna-Barbera and the former would voice minor characters in the first season of Family Guy. Can't be a coincidence.
To those who readed Orwell's 1984:
Any thoughts on Film Theory first and only video about the show?
תודה לקדוש ברוך הוא שעשה אותנו כה חכמים
That Theory Actually Exists (Of Course Not Trying To Offend Anyone) (Why Does He Laugh Like A Maniac Though)
Fairly What If? Day 6 - What If old Timmy regained his memories but couldn't enter fairy world?
Fairly What If - Day 5: What If Cosmo had to leave Timmy for Chloe, leaving him with Wanda.
.במותו הוא השאיר לנו טריק אחד אחרון
Does anybody knows what the soup is made from?
Fairly What If? Day 4 - If Timmy never saved Dale Dimmadome?
[Freesso] Two Godfathers and a boy.
Fairy What If? Day 1 - If Anti Cosmo won the olympics and got Timmy as a god child?