Infinite knowledge [OC]
Renfest fun time![OC]
Goth [OC]
A simple misunderstanding [OC]
A regular coffee order[OC]
Jimmy Porn 2 [OC]
Wanna hear a joke? [OC]
The crack up by F. Scott Fitzgerbil [OC]
Amazing Facts! [OC]
Live. Laugh. Loaf. [OC]
Cheer up[OC]
Entropy Baby [OC]
The heartbreak [OC]
Praying Mantis Dating Profile [OC]
I Got Hacked (OC)
Keep it Simple! [OC]
Returning Kale [OC]
Jimmy Porn! [OC]
AskHistorians has 2 million subscribers! To celebrate, we will remove the first 2 million comments in this thread.
Let your phone finish the sentence: Cats are.......
GIVEAWAY! We’re giving away an “All-In Digital” Kickstarter pledge of 5E content worth over $500! Simply comment in the next 72 hrs. [Full rules in comments] [OC]
What is one experience you think every single human should have?
I present, the hardest question for any r/HistoryMemes person to answer….