Tips til vintage butikker som selger alternative klær?
How to get this type of fluff? What petticoat to use?
I am tired of living this lie. I am tired of being overweight and I miss being underweight
Everyone is weird and everyone has changed
My mom is jealous of me
Luffy asks you to join his crew, your last emoji is your reaction.
I don’t feel like myself on medicine
What are the 3 most popular Studio Ghibli films, and which are your 3 favourite films?
I got hospitalized for having a spiritual awakening
Been told I’ve been faking psychosis
Inpatient… have such self harm urges
Who among the SHs do you identify the most with? And why?
I don’t understand why I’m here
I don’t know what to do
How to leave the mental hospital
This is old but I want some feedback on how to improve my voice
So scared so so scared
Whats the difference between schizophrenic psychosis and non schizophrenic psychosis
I have questions about God and beliefs
I saw my dad and I started crying
Please help me
I’m pretty sure I’m being stalked and harassed by a terrorist organization.
Anyone else here who can hear their dead loved ones voice?
How do I take care of my new hand tattoo during summer