Baby giraffe meets his father and the herd for the first time. Watch the parents embrace at the end.
TIL Fred Rogers proposed to his wife Joanne via letter. When she received it, Joanne rushed to a payphone to respond. She was so nervous that when Fred answered the phone she was focused on the phone booth graffiti and greeted him by saying, "Shit." Fred laughed and she agreed to marry him.
This dad made his son a conveyor belt sushi restaurant at home.
TIL in 2007, reigning Jeopardy! champion Scott Weiss purposely placed his final bet in such a way as to force the first three-way tie in the game's history. He said he knew he could have bet more and won the game, but thought it would be fun to force a tie instead.
Rarity of Human Life
Children love parents no matter how abusive
Would I be in the wrong for refusing to answer my DNA Donors calls, asking if I’m ok, and letting them call the police on me?
You can use the SignWriting "alphabet" system to communicate sign language in writing, regardless of the source (spoken) language.
We love when George comes to sing to us , what a lovley afternoon we have had ❤️
Why follow someone on Reddit?
Having a great big brother is priceless
TIL that just 53 days after being sworn in, the signing of the Enabling Act of 1933 by the Nazi Party cleared the way for Hitler and the Nazis to seize power, ending the Weimar Republik, a Constitutional Republic.
Did you believe your parents were old when they were the age you are now?
More than 150 whales washed up on a remote beach in Australia.
Real Faith Punished.....
MAGAs Are Trying to Make Barron Into a Mythological Figure, But His Classmates Think He's Weird, 'He Doesn’t Really Belong Here'
Dear Abby being a little ahead of her time about transvestites
Skating on frozen mountain lake
Remember taking photos of, well, kinda random composition... cause the family got a new "color" camera.
N says she’s dying. Trying to force contact. Should I send her this letter or leave things as they are?
Best friends: Lets play, lets play, lets play!
Lettering on a dusty vehicle
TIL about Phyllis Wheatley. She was an enslaved woman, and a published poet. She sent Washington a poem, in which she advocated for the equality of all men, regardless of race. He wrote her back and extended an invitation to visit him.
Narc mom is dead
I was sure this was going to go horribly wrong🤯