Black kyurem 413970900183
LF - Drampa, Varoom, Wyrdeer
FT: Enamorus, Toxel, Rotom, Unowns, costumes galore | LF: Amethyst crown Pikachu (Go Fest), Maushold family of 3
It's fine, Tonka
FT: Unowns, costumes, rares, more | LF: Amethyst crown Pikachu, Tandemaus family of 3, explorer Eevee
Questions & Answers - Weekly Megathread! Please use this post to ask any Pokemon GO question you'd like!
I cannot tell Mike from Scott half of the time
Looking for shiny carnivine and female relicanth
What’s your favourite line?
Favorite Jenny Nicholson moment?
Podcast: The Ride - The CityWalk Orlando Saga: Malltiverse of Madness 1 - 2 with Evan Susser
Trading Regionals HMU If You Need Any Can Do 30 Days As Well
LF: Shiny Relicanth | FT: See below
Shiny sun crown Eeve available for trade
FT in post LF offers
LF: ✨ Tropius, Relicanth, Pachirisu, Shedinja | FT: ✨ Massive shiny list (see pic below)
LF: Johto mons | FT: List
Pheromosa raid now! 971964639761
Dog bite? Bite back with Cossio and Dominick, attorneys at law