Very new player here. I can see why you guys keep buying these games. This is so much fun!
Best way to learn C#?
Black gamers of reddit: what is a hairstyle you think is underrepresented in customization?
I need help looking for a modpack.
Racism Flowchart
Every modern video games right now
Trump won the debate. Over 90%. Everybody is saying it.
Found this hilarious for some reason…
Joyce Mandell was flawless
Thoughts on Star Wars Outlaws?
This about sums up the whole situation re:The Acolyte
Sabaac Sets
Sabaac sets
Losercity rescue (art by Stormwolfbaron)
Big W
Why are republicans terrified of these?
Help me find this song!
PSA for all the ladies: We don’t only stand to pee just because it’s more fun. We also have other reasons and they’re valid.
I just want to play with my brother with what little free time I have. FUCK OFF.
Someone discovered consent
Who is your pick from this cream of the crop?
Im just gonna leave this here
Raise your hand if you’re a fan of Rey and are excited for her upcoming movie!