Dog owners in Singapore, what are some gifts / experiences you’d be happy to receive?
Have you ever bought shoes for your partner?
How do I deal with jealousy in a healthy way so I don’t ruin my (30F) relationship with my boyfriend (30M)?
Singaporean men, where do you like getting your clothes from?
Those who met your SO on a dating app, which one was it?
Sharing my work corner and GC/MS
When did you have to scold a child for something they did / said while trying very hard not to laugh?
How many times have you been a bridesmaid and are you married now?
What are some unspoken rules / advices / tips for being a bridesmaid?
Is there anyone here who was the one who ended the relationship and then asked to try again?
Women who use dating apps, what are some things you do / ask to make sure the guy you’re chatting with is actually single and not hiding another relationship / family?
Ignoring science and assuming anything is possible, what is something you wish existed?
Have you ever had a partner do something to lose your trust and did they ever manage to regain it?
Have you ever lost someone’s trust in you and how did you try to rebuild it? Did you succeed?
Nice Jewelry brands for gifts?
Daily sticky thread for rants, raves, celebrations, advice and more! New? Start here!
What is something someone did that made you realise they are kind?
How many days without a reply would you accept it as someone is not interested in you?
How much do you believe in the saying “you will find love when you’re not looking / least expect it”, has it been true for you?
How do you move on when you know the breakup was your fault?
Seafood dinner for 2 people?
How many first dates did it take you to find someone you got into a relationship with?
What are your thoughts on double texting (in the early stages of dating people)?
How do you get over believing you lost the best person you’d ever have?
How do you personally deal with regrets in life / mistakes you think you've made?