What Does The Fox Say??????
Would You Rather Survive 24 hours inside a closed mall with A Siberian Tiger Or 60 To A Dozen of Venomous Sydney Funnel Web Spiders?
Question What Does Marsellus Wallace Looks Like?
Random Question If The Abominable Snowman Was Real they would have same character trait as the polar bear sense they live in snowy lands they would become aggressive and carnivores right?
What Were Your Favorite Childhood Toys?
Raccoon Folk base
Has Anyone Ever Felt Irritated aggravated or have self doubt
Has anyone felt so irritated aggravated or have self doubt?
Meet the giant of flight The Thunderbird Dustin Hawke
Personal aggravation and wish I had a older brother to
Express myself
Am i allowed to vent and express frustration about some very irritating personal issues or will this break the policy for this subreddit just wandering if anyone got a answer not trying to say something offensive or angry
Irritating problems
Here’s My Version Of Buddy Brew A Older Version And A Younger Version
My knockoff Dynamite Kid
Recommendations Do Somebody Have Any Good Luchador References For Caws I need help??
The fictional nephew Bret hart Robbie hart
Thoughts On My Giant/Monster Wrestlers
My Attempt To Make Stretch Armstrong (I Tried My Best Does Anybody Got Any Inspirations Or Is This Alright??)
The Determinator Eddie Schwarz
I Made Woodrow Into John Lincoln Woodrow OR JLW. Inspiration Steve Corino And Mr Kennedy/Mr Anderson. ANY PROS AND CONS
No Friends
El Generico Inspired Character The Reckless One Ole!☝️