Symptoms varying day by day
Blood thickening due to CCI?
Blood thickening - caused by CCI?
Recovery is possible
Can others "see" your instability/head wobble?
Clock Laser Rehab Eyes vs no Eyes
Dr C, how safe is it to do this for cci? It seems to help me a little but afraid to overdo it
Physical Therapist talking about CCI
Neck weights really helping
What’s going on with my atlas?
Brain fog?
Fasting makes symptoms worse?
List of Exercises for CCI
brain fog & cervical instability
A fun experiment you can do, how trauma and neck pain effects neck muscle activation with simple eye movements. Might even reduce pain for some of y
How much does a PICL cost?
Please List Treatments for cervical / cranial instability
Hair loss due to CCI?
How many of you suffer from depression?
getting depressed
Any help please ??
Previous episodes of ‘unmasking’?