What movie made you go “Holy shit, there is still an hour left?”
Naruto the last is so overhated.
Top 30 Kpop Male Acts Spotify Debut
What MHA opinion has you in this situation?
Unpopular opinion
Who do you think is the better parent?
Tier list: Characters’ Survival Chances in Season 3
Which idol’s vocal tones do you find completely unlistenable and why?
Anyone catch on first watch?
Share your opinions about idols/groups without mentioning their name, and others will guess
Is it normal i'm 14 episodes into season 4 part 1 and i really just don't like it?
I wonder what goes on inside the HYBE elevators for them to have those signs...?
Best Written Characters
people who deny that their fav's songs have sexual meanings are weird
Well, that's one way to stop the rumbling
Am i the only One Who belived that this guy was the Beast titan?
Did anyone actually mourn Andrea?
Why is the English dub so... Extra?
Do you think the critiques of the show not being diverse are fair or not?
I mean, I hate to say it...
Mikasa and Eren Scene Explained (in my opinion!)
if ymir hadn't come back to save reiner and berthold would they have died?
Rewatching AOT with my sister, she thought Christa and Ymir were the titans
with these many articles against them, bsh/hybe isnt as powerful as people make them out to be