What clips of cumtown would you guys show to your friend who’s never seen it??
almost died because of a faulty hair drier ten minutes ago
Elon Musk’s Tesla says it could be targeted by retaliatory tariffs
New sticker for the hardhat.
Tech Execs Are Pushing Trump to Build ‘Freedom Cities’ Run by Corporations | A pro-corporate libertarian movement is attempting to take over the U.S., with Trump's help.
Boomer slop has never been so kino…
Squirt-believers are just as delusional as most paraphiliacs
Why is buying a home so hard?!
Hopefully they place those bumps!!!
Big orange mental health
Don't think just work
Drug test
Roger Marshall calls Kansas cabin home. Official trips took him near $1.2M Florida house
I’m actually not sure how I’m going to be able to love a woman that’s not her
Costco nova form serrafina
Tips on how to stay awake for 24 hours
DONT REMOVE this is for HIMS: RFK to Investigate Weight Loss Drugs
Took the toll road this weekend from Nebraska to Texas. Nice road and very convenient, but is this the nonsense I have to deal with now? Why does everything have to turn into a scam
Love scams against old people are pure evil
The average adult has 10 grams (2.5 teaspoons) of plastic in his or her brain
okay now I'm getting scared of flying
Someone complained of a long wait to get their items shipped out . I’m still waiting for a set of lights I ordered from 2011
Loud Sneezers Need To Cut It Out