Destiny pvp experience but i tried to make it funny (i probably failed) (repost because i fucked up the video last time)
Hunter Supers are falling behind
DAE state sanctioned class war?
Bunchy has now resorted to BEGGING players to do their QA for them. Sad!
We jerkin' till discharge with this one
Snapskaters finally being put in their place
Car crashed into building on Forest Ave
I’m soooo looking forward to the new guardian games Hunter gear!!1!
How else will I hold my 20 rolls of adept weapons that I won't use because I have crafted weapons already.
Crafting Debate part 475
DAE think bungie should let me impregnate my enemies???
U guys better get off monster hunter and grind the zorp roll
DAE swarners drip?
Collective Fomogation is META this Epsisode!?!?!?
Another pedestrian fatality on Forest Avenue last night
Ok sluggers I subscribed for sixty months, when does destiny get good?
If you could add/change/remove one thing from an exotic weapon, what would it be? Why?
Hierarchy of Needs is the only exotic in the bottom 10 least used in both PVE and PVP, and the least used overall
First leaked image of new Frontiers Faction "AstroZorpalods"
Please use Palindrome
DAE think this red smear at the end of vespers host is a wolf, signifying Rise of Iron 2???
Why Bungie is so slow on addressing Hunters and Warlocks Feedback?
As it should be
What is happening with this sub the name literally says DESTINYcirclejerk not monster hunter or yakuza
The Absolute State of Class DPS right now