What’s something you hate that everyone else seems to love?
Season Two General Discussion Thread
Why do survivors “Go Next” at the start of the game but never seem to when there’s actually no chance of winning?
Hot take: This game is good
Solo q needs to be buffed and fast
Someone for the love of god help me stun the killer four times in one trial before I cry. again.
AITAH for not giving my trans daughter my mother's ring?
How often are you surviving survivor games nowadays?
Does everyone who plays killer get messaged after every match?
I don't enjoy playing killer, but I really want to. Please help!!
Why is the survivor community so rude?
Dear Solo Queue Teammates: Don't attempt to bodyblock/take a hit for me when I'm downed 10 feet or less from a hook.
is it toxic to say gg?
I got shamed by a male doctor
Am I the only person to play like this?
Boyfriend asked me to go to the gym
Survivors gave me a sacrifice????
The Key to Escape
Wait for a sale or buy now?
Healing under the hook
Survivor perk, cheating, or glitch maybe?
Does Knight still have his negative reputation, as an unfun Killer to fight?
What charms do you use, and why did you pick them?
How do y'all handle Chaos Shuffle?