Steam Family
Last Epoch Q&A Dev Stream Teasers (02/14/2025)
Last Epoch Q&A Dev Stream Teasers (02/21/2025)
Can't enter any game since last patch. Can you play?
This icon is backwards?
Multiplayer question
Eterra Monthly: January 2025 Edition
Tier 31 Nemesis Drop
Kermodes Cage
Teaser from Last Epoch Q&A Dev Stream - 01.10.2025
Last Epoch on PS5?
Does corruption affect prophecies?
Is Harbringers going away with Season 2?
why is a harbringer attacking me after i beat the end bosses of spirit of fire?
Special Cosmetic for this Cycle?
Basic question about slamming. If I choose an item with 1LP and another with only one stat does it ensure that one stat is slammed? TiA
Huh, so when do I fight the Nameless King?
CoF Feedback & Suggestions
Suggestion for the dev team: Weekly devlog
Good build to farm Aberroth?
How many failed slams have you gone through before you lost your mind?
Just hit
Recently a Hurricane disrupted my Internet service and from the looks of it, it is going to be a long wait. Is there a way to transfer my Online character to Offline? TIA
How does the game determine what tab your stash opens to?
I think i've been scammed (¬_¬)