Last period ended on October 30th, and I started bleeding again 5 days later. I am STILL bleeding, and it has been 6 days since it started again. Has this happened to anyone else?
Bleeding after sex
Crowdfunding for a short film, and we're beginning to stall - any advice for expanding our reach?
Booked my first co-star!
Just a rant because I know you guys get it.
Ladies, if you could write a letter to your teenage self about your body, what would you say?
I don’t know what to do with my life anymore.
Don't Let Go of Your Dreams
How else to fight AI
What’s a difficult task/activity to execute that you’ve dealt with in your life that mattered to you?
Songs that Taylor has never performed live (UPDATED)
Career change
What are y’all’s hobbies?
The sad state of AI
What film made you say, "There is still 50 minutes left"?
"The 30s are like your 20s but with money"
How do you find joy in life when it’s so repetitive & mostly boring?
Any ideas for this dress?
Bloated stomach
What are your Acting Hot Takes?
A sad rant regarding my translation test
Moisturizer recommendation
What got you into acting?
Please elp... Could it be fungal?
Tretenoin and fungal acne? Has anybody found a tret that doesn’t trigger?