How will a score lower than 45 on the aleks placement test affect me If I pursue engineering at statler? (Incoming student)
Finding roommates?
Would this be a good setup for college?
I am doing powerful PowerPoints for anyone who’s to lazy to do it themselves
I need help on how to steer my ME degree
I need help on chose a major or minor
Thoughts on Male Nurses
Is biomedical engineering worth it in West Virginia
I need help with my major focus!
(Biomedical Engineering Networking @ WVU) Let's learn and grow together!
Going insane
BMEs, Should i choose biomedical engineering?
Career help (19M)
So what does everyone actually do for work?
28, got a STEM degree I hated, service industry straight out of school, oops 6 years passed... now what?
I need guidance!
Lost passion?
Is healthcare worth it?
Should i do healthcare?
Gf sick for new years
19 currently unemployed WHAT TO DO!
Career help
Career Help