What is a red flag that many people don't realize is a red flag for dating?
What do you think your curse is?
What’s the biggest difference between you now and you ten years ago?
You have the opportunity to step into a time portal that sends you to the future or the past without ever returning to the present. Where are you going ?
Where do we really go when we fall asleep?
What profession would you never date?
Please guide me with this maa kali mantra
To those who used to let the small things affect them, what helped to make you grow thicker skin?
What’s a simple habit that surprisingly changed your life?
[Serious] If you could go anywhere before you die, where would you go?
I reached 187 days of nofap!
i drew maa parvati
How do you deal with people like that at your work place
What's the worst physical pain?
Kedarnath, uttrakhand, India, [OC] ,[4000×2715]
Wowie!!! More victimized Muslims! :3
You know the drill. Post your cat I paint your cat. My goal is 30 cats today.
local dismemberment case ab 30 mins from my house
18 months natural transformation . M 22. 52 kg to 68kg
18 months natural transformation
How do you look better as a man?
What are the biggest regrets in your life?
You are invited to an event as a replacement for someone who was originally invited but couldn’t make it. What are your thoughts about last minute invitations?
What show was good beginning to the end?