Plot hole when Pussy gets wacked.
Adriana is the hottest undressing character in television history
When they’re on the phone about the surprise party, Why does Uncle Junior wish Hugh a boner for tuna?
What is the most meaningful ~look~ given in the Sopranos
Tony’s fattest moment?
Phil Leotardo having Nancy Sinatra perform at his private mafia Don coronation party right after open-secretly killing all of his rivals is the most BALLER thing in all of the show
Is Maury Levy from the wire the voice of the beaver in the commercial that plays when AJ is in the nuthouse.
Meadow should have known AJ was gonna scubacide when he said Borat wasn’t fair to the people involved.
Was it a peaceful transfer of power when Pudgie Walsh gave the building department to the sob sisters?
Chris could have saved his own life if he had thought of a more elegant solution to the Cleaver problem than sending a gash-headed JT into the Bing to tell a subtlety-free story about stealing from a movie from the 50s
Do you think Anthony Jeraboam Soprano washed the sheets after he banged Blanca in his parents bed?
Joseph Gannascoli’s acting in season 6 and the ability to pull a decent quality performance out of a glorified extra is a testament to David Chase and Terrence Winter’s genius
The Allegra Sacrimoni wedding is the hardest scene to watch. Way more cringe than happy birthday Mr President. End of discussion.
Who is your favorite 1 sentence character? Im tawkin delivered one single line of dialogue and nothing more.
“We’re part of something bigger. When are you going to learn that!?” - Tony to Paulie… minutes after learning it himself
After fleeing Johnny Sacks house and getting off the phone with Mink, why did they decide to film Tony coming out of the woods in his backyard like he is Sasquatch?
Would Coach Molinaro have held up to a grand jury subpoena about his time as a stevedore unionman down at the Baltimore docks?
What would someone like Mustang Sally have done for a living, and if he had connections to the mafia and was (obviously) violent, why wasn't he in it?
Whitecaps: A tale of two phone calls — Virginia Lupo calls and the Soprano’s future is set. Irina calls a few scenes later, and the rest is history.
As good as the sopranos is, and it pains me to say it, I think the Wire did a much better job at portraying the struggles of the African American community in Baltimore and the legal system that works to combat the drug trade.
The simple, elegant solution to the Gino/Vito plot hole that David Chase misses...
Who is the most underused, underrated character that doesn’t get killed/written off, and exists in early and late seasons.
The random Chinese song played in the middle of Uncle June’s saccharine fuckin Italian ballad… whatever happened there?
Paulie & Chrissy’s ketchup packs