Voltage issue?
Letting the E30 out of the garage for a day
Tips for sticking this slopey situation?
What’s your E30 story?
Bought it 1 hr after it was posted
AC compressor identification
Making the Neue Klasse a bit more BMW
Clunking in the front of the car
Daily driver?
Lights on dashboard
E30 m30b35 wagon
What is this part in the trunk for?
They all crack up eventually…
Repeated Crankshaft position sensor failure
Updates on rebuild
Everyone is stumped. Help?
Just admiring my ride. E30 4ever!
325xi price range?
Seven warning lights in seven minutes
Door Lock Rebuild
$2k vert purchase pt. 2
How can I better stand on these sketchy feet
Connector help
Trying to finish the final touches , Arm rest and cluster upgrade .