Excalidraw vs Canvas!!??
I was just observing I cannot use obsidian on Android phone with the folders synced to Google or Microsoft cloud.
Can images live inside obsidian pages, or the only way is to hyperlink them?
What’s one item you got rid of that improved your life?
What keeps you from using Linux?
Still around?
I'm so glad that i don't use Windows
Amplenote has been around for a few years. Why do you think it has not found a wider audience? it is a pretty good app with remarkably rich and useful features, but for some reason, it isn't as popular.
Has anyone tried Amplenote?
How to connect Rapid Log items?
Where do you put future tasks/events/notes?
Link Multiple Boards & Organize by Top of List of Each Client
Im moving my one note & evernote files into obsidian. What say you?
Unable to find a satisfactory PKMS :( I'm creating my own. Anyone have the same need?
Hot take: Minimalism includes relationships too
Migrating 14 years of Evernote content to Obsidian
Is there a way for images to live ONLY inside the canvas?
Daily Journaling Habit