Type "I lost my virginity to ___" and you know the drill (image unrelated)
type BRO I JUST ATE A and let your autocomplete finish it
Type in "POLICE I SWEAR I DIDNT" And let your keyboard finish it
I am just an innocent bear, I sure hope nobody ____s me
Do What Is Say's
My builds look ugly
Thoughts on Cape Cod
Do you know any game like this
Thoughts on Mountain Dew Baja Blast
like grandma always said never pay more than $10 for_________
Anyone else like lemons and limes in watered down Sprite?
Would you?
Oh, great Ouija, what is the definitive hottest video game character?
Oh no!
Has anyone ever noticed that the shield is not at the same height in that main- and offhand.
Amazing how Minecraft hired 18 of these things to write Minecraft's soundtrack
Inside of C4 looks like marshmallow
Volcano help! Just got done placing 50k deepslate to create the outer shell. What other stones can i throw into the mix?
yo guys what was this dude's name i forgot
Do it
Tiktok got the baned
Plot twist! ____ is a pedo!?
why does it show the safe search thing when i look him up? 🤔🤔
Wtf this is my first post here
What is this some kind of squid game
I’m feeling pretty chill in r/chillmc