Devs PLEASE give me 1 more character to use when it comes to nickname and my life will be yours!
buddies am i cooked?
I would like to share this satisfaction
What's your name?
Main sub's politics as of now
Our rank is now Top 53%
Henceforth, this will now be my biggest flex
Bro was catching Pokémon when he was -9 years old 😭
I finally completed the Sumeru Aranyaka quest line…
More Father Photos
What the hell did I just see?
I'm hypnotized
Pain… so much Pain…
Pain… so much Pain
My friend's keyboard looks like it survived a war ( WOW player )
What was the first 5* you pulled?
Random Father photo i took
In honor of the newest “bug”
Your battery is what you get
She eep zzz ゚。⋆
Does anyone know where I can find this dialogue?
Why is Furina shipped with Aether?
What would you call this country?